Application Forms

Please note that all applications are done through our shelter software - ShelterLuv

I am interested in meeting a dog I see on your website or social media page. I would like to set up a time to meet on neutral ground.
*Please note that we are 100% foster based... our fosters work too!

I am in a position where I am able to foster and would love to help out!

Crates, food, and other supplies are provided for you.

image of a driver in a car for transport

I am unable to foster, but I would love to volunteer some time in transporting dogs from Okanogan Angels to a partner facility anywhere in the state! (Most transports are from Omak to Wenatchee and you can set "boundaries")

I've made a decision and I am ready to apply!
*Please note an application does not guarantee approval

foster parent info
owner surrender - waitlist

*Owner Surrender is not guaranteed with application. Please also post on our rehome page